I love to make popsicles for my kids. In the summer, they enjoy sitting in the backyard and having a frozen treat to cool down. I’ve seen some recipes for pudding pops and they looked really simple to put together. These Creamy Chocolate Pudding Pops turned out really good! They were a hit with everyone. The best part is the recipe only has 4 ingredients!
Creamy Chocolate Pudding Pops
Adapted from One Good Thing
1 box chocolate instant pudding (4 serving packet)
2 cups milk
1 cup Cool Whip
3/4 cup icing sugar
In a large bowl, whisk together chocolate pudding and milk for 2 minutes. Add the Cool Whip and mix well. Add the icing sugar and mix until combined. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
Asi, I love, love, love this idea! Where did you get those cool moulds?
Asi, I love, love, love this idea! Where did you get those cool moulds?
looks yummy delicious presentation
looks yummy delicious presentation
omgggg how cute! So I've seen something similar to this floating on Pinterest but the actual Pin never lead to a recipe. It was a broken link, so I'm soooo glad that you posted this! I will for sure be trying these out iA.
By the way, can you do me a favor? Is there any way you can remove me from your mailing list; I haven't been getting email updates when you have new posts, so I was thinking that if you are able to remove me then I can try signing up again. I hate not getting your emails!
omgggg how cute! So I've seen something similar to this floating on Pinterest but the actual Pin never lead to a recipe. It was a broken link, so I'm soooo glad that you posted this! I will for sure be trying these out iA.
By the way, can you do me a favor? Is there any way you can remove me from your mailing list; I haven't been getting email updates when you have new posts, so I was thinking that if you are able to remove me then I can try signing up again. I hate not getting your emails!
Thanks Henna!
That is not good that you haven't been receiving emails…I hope it hasn't been happening to others. I've removed you from the list so you can re-subscribe.
Thanks Henna!
That is not good that you haven't been receiving emails…I hope it hasn't been happening to others. I've removed you from the list so you can re-subscribe.
Thanks Nasham! I got them from Texas. I got 4 push up pops and 4 regular ones. I find the regular ones are really hard to get the popsicle out. And the boys love the push up ones and the fact that they have one eye is another big seller.
You should give these a try..they are super easy and sooooo yummy!!!! If you don't have popsicle molds, I think it would even work as an ice cream. Or you can use paper cups and put popsicle sticks in for a homemade mold.
These are way too cute!
Thanks! I just resubscribed. Hopefully that solves it!
Btw, I'm going to go grocery shopping today so inshAllah I'll be able to pick up a packet of molds. Can't wait to try these!