
Healthy Cookies

Yes..you read that right….Healthy Cookies!!!  But seriously these are no equivalent to a regular cookie but is a great substitute when you are craving something sweet but don’t want to eat junk.  These taste best when eaten right away.  They are very versatile so you can change them up in so many different ways.  Just be careful to add no more than 2 tbsp of add-ins otherwise they may fall apart.  You could also try it with different nut butters to vary the flavour.  How healthy or unhealthy they are really depends on what add-ins you choose to mix in.  These are also a great way to use up any overripe bananas.  I find the more ripe the bananas the better these cookies are.

Healthy Cookies
Adapted from Skinnytaste

1 ripe banana (mine was very ripe)
1/2 cup quick oats
1 tsp peanut butter
2 tbsp of any add-ins of your choice (I used 1 tbsp walnuts and 1 tbsp of toffee bits.  You could use all nuts or even add chocolate chips)

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a bowl, mash the banana and add the remaining ingredients.  Stir until combined.  Drop by tablespoon on the prepared baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes.  Cookies taste best when eaten right away.

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18 thoughts on “Healthy Cookies

  1. I LOVE this picture! I love the blue fabric, it stands out and brings out the cookies really well!
    I've seen a recipe similar to this floating around Pinterest for a while, and I've always wondered if it was any good. Yours look so delicious! I always have super ripe bananas hanging around, so this is definitely something I'm interested in 🙂

  2. I LOVE this picture! I love the blue fabric, it stands out and brings out the cookies really well!
    I've seen a recipe similar to this floating around Pinterest for a while, and I've always wondered if it was any good. Yours look so delicious! I always have super ripe bananas hanging around, so this is definitely something I'm interested in 🙂

  3. Thanks! This was my second attempt at photographing it. The first time I piled them on a plate and it looked horrible.

    It's a much better alternative to making banana bread whenever there are overripe bananas. Much faster to make and a lot more healthy 🙂 Let me know how they turn out!

  4. Thanks! This was my second attempt at photographing it. The first time I piled them on a plate and it looked horrible.

    It's a much better alternative to making banana bread whenever there are overripe bananas. Much faster to make and a lot more healthy 🙂 Let me know how they turn out!

  5. I like this kind of recipe when the kids say they are hungry and I don't want to give them something from a package. It's easy and healthy and everyone likes them. Stopping by from YBR.

  6. I like this kind of recipe when the kids say they are hungry and I don't want to give them something from a package. It's easy and healthy and everyone likes them. Stopping by from YBR.

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